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Instagram DM für Unternehmen: Infos zum Business Chat

Instagram has become a hugely important platform for companies. Here you can find all the information about Instagram Direct Messages and Business Chat.
December 20, 2023
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Instagram, originally launched as a simple photo-sharing app in 2010, has developed into a major platform for companies over the years. After Instagram gained popularity through innovative features such as hashtags and a steadily growing user base, the Meta Group (formerly Facebook) recognized the platform's potential and acquired Instagram in 2012. Since then, Instagram has evolved into a versatile tool for brands and businesses that offers much more than just the ability to share visual content. With features such as ads, reels, stories, the Instagram Shop and Instagram Business Chat, the platform offers businesses numerous opportunities to build a strong online presence and interact effectively with their target audience. In this post, we will look at the specific aspects and features of Instagram DM (Direct Messages) for businesses and show you how you can use Instagram Business Chat to optimize your company's customer communication.

What types of Instagram accounts are there?

There are two main types of accounts on Instagram: Personal and Professional accounts. Each account type is tailored to different needs and usage scenarios.

Personal Instagram account: This is the default option for private individuals. With a personal account, users can share content either privately or publicly. It is also used to follow other users, influencers, public figures and companies of interest.

Professional Instagram account: This generic term covers the Business account and the Creator account. Both are designed for professional users with different focuses:

  • Business account: Designed specifically for businesses, it provides access to advanced features such as Instagram Insights, the ability to run ads, and access to the Instagram direct message API. These features are crucial for businesses looking to strengthen their online presence and engage directly with their customer base.
  • Creator account: Geared towards influencers and public figures, this account allows access to similar features as the Business account, but with some differences tailored to the specific needs of content creators. One key difference is the accessibility of the Instagram direct message API, which is available for creator accounts with less than 500,000 followers. With a higher number of followers, it is necessary to switch to a business account in order to continue to have access to the API.

Choosing the right type of account is crucial to a company's strategy on Instagram, as each type of account offers specific features and benefits tailored to different business goals and communication needs.

Instagram Business Profile
This is what an Instagram Business account looks like

Instagram DM: The functions of the Instagram Business Chat

With Instagram DM, companies can communicate directly and efficiently with their customers. Business Chat extends Instagram's traditional direct messaging feature with several business-specific features and integrations. Here are some of the most important aspects of Instagram DM for businesses:

  1. Access to messages via different channels: Companies can receive and manage messages sent via Instagram not only in the Instagram app, but also in the Meta Business Suite and by integrating the Instagram DM API with other software solutions, such as Mateo's professional messaging and CX software. This flexibility makes it possible to respond to customer requests more efficiently and manage customer communication in a centralized way.
  2. Automated responses: With Instagram Business Chat, companies can set up automated responses for frequently asked questions. This saves time and resources and ensures that customers receive immediate answers to their concerns, even outside of business hours.
  3. Quick answers with text templates: For frequently recurring questions or messages, preset answers with text templates can be saved to speed up and standardize communication. This feature is particularly useful for standard inquiries such as opening hours, availability of products or services and general business information.
  4. Integration into other software solutions: Like the WhatsApp API, the Instagram DM API interface enables the integration of Instagram messages into CRM systems or other customer management tools. This enables companies to seamlessly integrate customer communication into their existing work processes and increase efficiency. However, companies must bear in mind that integrating the API independently is complex and challenging. It's easier with Mateo: with our software, you can integrate Instagram, WhatsApp & Co. into over 6,000 software programs with just a few clicks.

Instagram Business Chat therefore offers a range of functions that are specifically tailored to the needs of companies. These tools make it easier to process customer inquiries quickly and professionally, strengthen customer loyalty and save valuable working time and resources at the same time. However, to be able to use all functions, the Instagram API interface must be set up or a software provider that has connected to the Instagram API must be contacted.

Tips and best practices for the use of Instagram DM 

In order for companies to utilize the full potential of direct messages in Instagram Business Chat, it is important to follow certain best practices. These strategies help to optimize customer interaction and increase the efficiency of communication:

  1. Ensure fast response times: One of the most important expectations of customers in the digital age is a quick response to their inquiries. Companies should therefore always make sure to reply to messages as quickly as possible to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.
  2. Personalized communication: Even if automated messages and quick responses are practical, companies should make sure that their communication does not appear too mechanical. Personalized messages that respond to customers' specific concerns and questions contribute to a better customer relationship.
  3. Use of visual elements: Instagram is a highly visual platform. Companies should take advantage of this by using images, videos and emojis in their messages to make communication more appealing and easier to understand.
  4. Integration into overall marketing: Instagram Business Chat should be seen as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. By integrating the chat into campaigns or using Instagram Stories and posts to promote dialog, companies can effectively increase their reach and interaction.
  5. Obtain and adapt feedback: Regular feedback from customers about their experience with Instagram Business Chat can provide valuable insights. Companies should use this feedback to continuously improve and adapt their service.

By following these best practices, companies can ensure that they are using the Instagram DM effectively for their communication and marketing goals .

Advantages of Instagram DM for companies

The use of Instagram Business Chat offers companies numerous advantages that can have a positive impact on customer loyalty, sales and brand perception:

  1. Improved customer loyalty: Through direct and personal interaction with Instagram DM, companies can build a stronger bond with their customers. The ability to respond quickly and easily to customer inquiries increases customer satisfaction and promotes long-term customer relationships.
  2. Increase in reach: Instagram has a huge user base worldwide. Instagram Business Chat enables companies to address this broad target group directly and effectively, which can significantly increase brand reach.
  3. Acquiring new customers: Direct communication via Instagram DM can help potential customers make decisions and thus increase the conversion rate and encourage new customers to purchase products. Personal advice and support can make a significant difference here.
  4. More efficient customer management: By integrating Instagram Business Chat into existing CRM systems, companies can manage their customer communication more efficiently. This leads to time savings and improved workflows.
  5. Competitive advantages: By using innovative communication channels such as Instagram Business Chat at an early stage, companies can secure an edge over the competition, especially in markets where digital customer communication is not yet fully utilized.
  6. Increased sales: By using Instagram DM, you can increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This in turn will increase your sales in the long term. There is also a very decisive factor: conversational commerce. With conversational commerce, companies can encourage their customers to buy products or services directly in the chat and thus achieve significantly increased sales.

Overall, Instagram DM offers companies a valuable platform for improving customer communication, strengthening customer loyalty and tapping into new market potential. However, the Instagram Business API is required to take advantage of all the benefits and, in particular, the integrations

The advantages of Instagram DM for companies
Instagram DMs have numerous advantages for companies

Conclusion: Instagram DMs are a valuable tool in customer communication and marketing

With its direct messages, Instagram Business Chat represents a significant expansion of communication options for companies on one of the world's most popular social media platforms. With a wide range of functions, from automated responses to integration into CRM systems, Instagram Business Chat enables companies to optimize and personalize their customer communication. This not only leads to improved customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, but also to increased reach and potentially higher conversion rates. In an increasingly digitalized world, Instagram Business Chat thus offers a valuable resource for companies to differentiate themselves from the competition and interact with their target group on a personal level.

Use all the benefits and functions of Instagram DM with Mateo

With Mateo's messaging software, you can utilize the full potential of Instagram DM. This means you can offer your customers professional support and also have the opportunity to save valuable working time by automating the sending of Instagram Direct Messages.

Mateo's software offers many other advantages and improves your customer communication in dozens of ways. Our customers particularly appreciate the following advantages:

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