We are hiring! Become part of the Mateo team

Become our strong partner

Wir kooperieren bereits erfolgreich mit Partnern aller Art wie Marketingagenturen, ERFA Gruppen und Handelsverbänden bzw. Verbundgruppen.

Your advantages as a partner

Als Mateo Partner profitieren Sie von einer Reihe an Vorteilen, die Sie Ihren Kunden anbieten können.

Gesprächstermin vereinbaren

Attractive commission and remuneration model

Get a fair refund for every customer in your network.

Branchenübergreifende Softwarelösung

The Mateo solution offers added value for customers in diverse industries in the SME sector.

Expand your product portfolio

You can expand your service portfolio sustainably with Mateo.

Die Mateo Partner
Mit diesen Partnern Arbeiten wir bereits zusammen. Wir freuen uns, wenn auch Sie hier bald gelistet sind.
Gesprächstermin vereinbaren
Gesund ist Bunt
WhatsApp Kommunikation für Gesund ist Bunt Apotheken
R+V Versicherung
Datenschutzkonforme WhatsApp Kommunikation für R+V Agenturen!
Individual Akustiker Service
Mateo x Individual Akustiker Service
Meditrend eG
Mateo x Meditrend eG
Digitalisierung für den Schuh- und Accessoirehandel: Mateo x Goldkrone
Pro Akustik
Die Partnerschaft für Hörakustiker: Mateo x Pro Akustik
Fashion trade
BS Tools
Technologiepartnerschaft im Modehandel: Mateo X BS Tools
EK Retail
Starke Partnerschaft für den Einzelhandel: Mateo x EK Retail
Fashion trade
Partnerschaft im Modehandel: Mateo und KATAG AG
Fashion trade
Starke Partnerschaft im Modehandel: Mateo x unitex!
Apothekerverband Westfalen-Lippe
Die Mateo Partnerschaft mit dem Apothekerverband Westfalen-Lippe
Handelsverband NRW
Die Mateo x Handelsverband NRW Partnerschaft

Our partner models

Let's lift customer communication to a new level together!

Become Mateo Affiliate Partner!

Do you have a network of medium-sized companies that want to make their customer communication more efficient and professional? Recommend Mateo to your network and receive an attractive commission.

Become a Mateo Distributor!

Looking for an innovative communication solution for your product portfolio? Offer the Mateo solution to your customers and receive a commission. Let us combine our competencies to offer your customers an innovative solution.

With these tools you can achieve even more

Multichannel Inbox

All messaging channels in one inbox: WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Facebook, Google, Instagram

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WhatsApp Newsletter

Reach your customers again with WhatsApp newsletter and stay out of spam.

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WhatsApp Business

Your whole team can communicate via WhatsApp 100% GDPR compliant

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Reduce the barrier of contact with web chat on the website

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With Mateo you can integrate into the software tools that you already use.

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Google Business Chat

Be available for your customers via Google Business Chat

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All departments

Specialist departments such as Sales, Service or HR work on Mateo.

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Manage ratings

Improve your rating by actively requesting ratings

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Contact management

Manage your contacts and enrich them with information

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