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Without risks and side effects: WhatsApp for pharmacies

Die Konkurrenz aus dem Online-Handel nimmt zu, der Kunde wünscht sich mehr digitale Angebote, das E-Rezept ist da und gleichzeitig gibt es mit Digitalen-Versorgungs-Gesetz nun auch einen Rechtsrahmen, der die voranschreitende Digitalisierung von Apotheken unterstreicht. Es steht also viel im Wandel - Zeit, auch die Kundenkommunikation zu reformieren. Im folgenden Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie als Apotheke Mateo und WhatsApp in der Kundenkommunikation einsetzen können, um den digitalen Wandel erfolgreich zu vollbringen.
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Kunde in Apotheke
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Auf diese drei - und noch viele weitere - Weisen profitieren Unternehmen durch den Einsatz von Mateo!
Weniger unproduktive Telefonate
Durch das praktische Mateo Web-Widget auf Ihrer Webseite und die Erreichbarkeit per Messenger greifen deutlich weniger Kunden zum Hörer. Die Mehrheit präferiert die einfache und schnelle Kontaktaufnahme per WhatsApp.
Kunden automatisiert benachrichtigen
Dank unserer praktischen Integrationen mit über 6.000 Softwareanwendungen können Sie Benachrichtigungen an Kunden automatisiert versenden, beispielsweise wenn ein bestelltes Medikament eingetroffen ist.
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Beratung für Apotheken

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Digitization leaves no industry untouched. Pharmacies are no exception: competition from online retailers is increasing, customers want more digital offerings, the e-prescription is on its way, and at the same time, the Digital Supply Act now provides a legal framework that underscores the ongoing digitization in this industry. So there is a lot in flux - time to reform customer communications as well. In the following article, you will learn how you as a pharmacy can use WhatsApp in customer communication to successfully achieve the digital transformation.

Data protection: Are there risks and side effects? 

The good news: If you observe all the requirements of the package insert (in this case, the GDPR), the use of WhatsApp in a pharmacy is completely side-effect-free - in other words, data protection-compliant. However, this was not always the case: before the WhatsApp Business API was introduced in 2018, the use of WhatsApp in a corporate context was problematic and not recommended. With the WhatsApp Business API, however, an interface was then developed specifically for companies, via which WhatsApp can be used in a fully data protection-compliant manner. In concrete terms, this means for you: via a partner like Mateo and the WhatsApp Business API, you can easily use the messenger for customer communication in your pharmacy. All chats between your company and customers are encrypted end to end and cannot be viewed by anyone external, nor by Meta itself (WhatsApp parent company).

Reading tip: We have already written a detailed blog article on the subject of WhatsApp and the GDPR. It tells you everything you need to know about data protection on WhatsApp.

Anwendungsfälle von WhatsApp für lokale Apotheken

The use cases of WhatsApp in all companies that have contact with end customers are diverse, but can be categorized into two sub-areas: Applications for 1:1 communication via WhatsApp and use cases for WhatsApp marketing. In each of the two sub-areas, use cases also open up for pharmacies that can be successfully implemented with Mateo and WhatsApp. 

1. Example: pre-ordering medicines via WhatsApp 

You are probably familiar with it from your everyday life: customers come to the pharmacy and unfortunately have to leave empty-handed because the medication they need is not in stock at the moment or simply not available. For the customer, of course, this is not a pleasant shopping experience. And you would also have preferred to give him the information before his visit. 

The solution: pre-orders via WhatsApp 

WhatsApp is a simple and straightforward contact channel through which customers can quickly and conveniently ask about the availability of a particular medication from the comfort of their own home. Either take a picture of a prescription, send you a photo of the medication, or simply state its name. A pharmacy employee then checks availability and orders the medication if necessary. But why not resort to the phone for this, you may ask: The asynchronous nature of WhatsApp is better suited in such cases than a phone call, where both parties always have to be available at the same time. Often, employees are busy at the moment and therefore can't answer the phone, need to call back later but then can't reach the customer, and so on. A WhatsApp message is simply answered when the employee has time. The customer also simply reads the reply message the next time he picks up the phone. 

2. example: availability newsletter via WhatsApp

If the result of the above example is that a required medicine is not available at the moment and has to be ordered, it is of course necessary to inform the customer again about the availability of the medicine at a later time. But often there is not only one customer waiting for the medicine. In some cases, an employee would now have to inform ten customers individually about the availability of the desired medicine. 

WhatsApp newsletter screenshot from pharmacies
With the WhatsApp newsletter , you can offer your customers added value and ensure long-term customer loyalty. The application possibilities are manifold.

How to do it better: WhatsApp newsletter on medication availability 

Intelligent customer segments in Mateo allow newsletter segments to be created based on values stored in the customer contact. Pharmacies use this feature to store in the customer contact which medication the respective customer is currently waiting for. If this medication is then available again, all waiting customers can be informed via a WhatsApp newsletter with just a few clicks. 

3. information newsletter via WhatsApp 

Conventional e-mail newsletters now achieve only very poor results. Open rates of often less than 20% and hardly any customers who actually read the e-mail advertising. In addition, e-mail newsletters in many cases no longer arrive at all, but end up in the spam folder beforehand. 

The contemporary alternative: WhatsApp marketing

WhatsApp is the medium used by 60 million Germans to communicate with friends or family every day. It has a personal character and is only used by a few companies. Open rates of up to 98% are quite realistic for a WhatsApp newsletter. In addition, there is no spam folder, so messages are guaranteed to arrive. With WhatsApp, you can, for example, send your pharmacy brochure or the best health prescriptions to loyal regular customers and thus build a personal customer relationship. 

Simply scan or click on the QR code

The e-prescription and WhatsApp 

The e-prescription is supposed to improve the patient experience in the healthcare system and stop the current flood of paper. But the idea has not been well received everywhere so far: According to a survey by the KBV (National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians), the e-prescription has only been positively received by around 45% of patients. One reason for this could be that patients need to install their own app on their smartphone in order to use the prescription.

An e-recipe in .pdf format
E-recipes like this one can be sent in PDF format via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp könnte hier Abhilfe schaffen: Die App ist auf nahezu allen Smartphones in Deutschland installiert und wird täglich von mehr als 60 Millionen Deutschen benutzt. Über die WhatsApp Business API können auch die Apotheken datenschutzkonform auf den Messenger-Dienst zurückgreifen. So können Patienten schon vor dem eigentlichen Apothekenbesuch den Rezept-Code an die Apotheke ihrer Wahl übermitteln und prüfen, ob die Arznei verfügbar ist. Der Versand per WhatsApp ist für die Patienten völlig problemlos: Falls Sie das E-Rezept von Ihrem Arzt nicht als PDF-Datei per WhatsApp bekommen haben, sondern per E-Rezept App von gematik, kann in der App mit wenigen Klicks eine PDF-Version erstellt oder ein Screenshot gemacht werden und daraufhin per WhatsApp an die Apotheke übermittelt werden.

Übrigens: Dank unserer Integrationen ist es mit Mateo sogar möglich, Kundenanfragen nach der Verfügbarkeit eines benötigten Medikaments vollautomatisiert zu beantworten.

Conclusion: WhatsApp and pharmacies, it fits! 

WhatsApp is a good way to help every pharmacy's customer communication leap into 2023. With WhatsApp, you offer your customers a low-threshold contact channel that complies with data protection regulations and, above all, has proven itself in everyday use. You can receive pre-orders, advise customers or send informative newsletters to your regular customers. In addition, the medium can be seamlessly integrated in the online and offline world, e.g. via links on website or WhatsApp QR codes in flyers. In perspective, WhatsApp would also be able to perfectly complement the e-prescription project and create a truly well-rounded patient or customer experience. 

For the practical implementation of WhatsApp communication in your pharmacy, Mateo is a suitable partner at your side. We would be happy to advise you in a free, no-obligation demo appointment on how best to integrate WhatsApp into your existing corporate communications. In over 600 customer cases, we have gained the necessary experience to also bring your customer communication with WhatsApp to the next level. 

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Verbesserter Kundenservice und effizientere Kommunikation dank Mateo bei der Stadtapotheke Dissen

Die seit 1721 bestehende Apotheke Dissen bietet eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen an, darunter die Ausgabe von verschreibungspflichtigen und rezeptfreien Medikamenten, Beratung zu Gesundheitsfragen, homöopathische Behandlungen und Krankenpflegeartikel. Die Apotheke verfügt über ein erfahrenes Team von Apothekern und pharmazeutischen Fachkräften, die den Kunden eine qualitativ hochwertige Beratung und Betreuung bieten. Darüber hinaus können Kunden über die Website der Stadt Apotheke Dissen Informationen zu aktuellen Angeboten und Aktionen erhalten.

Das Team der Stadtapotheke Dissen freut sich über den reduzierten Arbeitsaufwand in der Kundenkommunikation

Durch die Nutzung von Mateo kann die Stadtapotheke Dissen von verbessertem Kundenservice und effizienterer Kommunikation profitieren. Das Unternehmen nutzt das Web-Widget von Mateo und Messenger-Kommunikation mit verschiedenen Kanälen. Dank der praktischen Nachrichtenvorlagen, Textbausteine und automatisierten Nachrichten wird der Arbeitsaufwand in der Kundenkommunikation erheblich reduziert. Die schnellere Erreichbarkeit und der verbesserte Kundenservice wird von den Kunden sehr geschätzt. Der hervorragende Kundenservice in Kombination mit dem Bewertungsassistent von Mateo hat bei der Apotheke Dissen zu einer Durchschnittsbewertung von 4,9 Sternen auf Google geführt.

Questions and answers

If your question is not answered here, just write to us via our WebChat.

What is Mateo?

Mateo is an omnichannel CS platform that enables small, medium-sized and larger companies to digitize and modernize their communication and marketing processes. With Mateo, various channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram, email, SMS, etc. can be bundled in a central inbox. Various functions for team collaboration and process automation make it much easier to process customer inquiries. The Mateo Marketing module can also be used to send highly effective marketing campaigns via WhatsApp, SMS or email.

Was ist die Broadcast Funktion?

Neben dem WhatsApp Newsletter sind Broadcasts in Mateo ein weiterer Weg, wie Sie mehrere Empfänger auf einmal erreichen können. Ganz ohne dafür eine separate Kampagne anlegen zu müssen. Beim senden einer neuen Nachricht wählen sie einfach "Broadcast" aus, tragen beliebig viele Empfänger ein oder wählen ein von Ihnen vordefiniertes Kundensegment. Anwendungsfälle für Broadcasts sind z.B. Erinnerungen an mehrere Kunden, die auf einen Termin warten, sollte spontan ein Termin verfügbar sein.

How many employees can use Mateo?

Mateo is suitable for small, medium-sized and large companies. The number of employees can be expanded as required in all packages. Book a free consultation to discuss your requirements.

Is Mateo GDPR compliant?

The topic of data protection has top priority for us and therefore the solution is also fully GDPR-compliant. Our software is Made in Germany and developed under the highest quality guidelines.

What advantages does Mateo offer over WhatsApp Business?

- Mateo is, in contrast to WhatsApp Business, GDPR compliant
- With Mateo, in addition to WhatsApp messages, Instagram, email, SMS, Facebook Messenger and Google Business Chat messages can be received in a central inbox
- Instead of a maximum of 5 devices, Mateo's WhatsApp API interface can be used to connect an unlimited number of devices with an unlimited number of users
- Thanks to the GDPR-compliant API interface, WhatsApp newsletters can also be sent to customers via Mateo
- Mateo has integrated numerous functions for highly efficient team collaboration
- With Mateo, a web widget for chatting can be placed on your website. This interactive customer experience leads to a closer relationship with the customer and therefore better sales figures
- Mateo offers the possibility to get automated Google reviews
- With Mateo you don't need a SIM card or a separate cell phone. Mateo runs off your existing mobile or landline number. If you don't have a phone number yet or want a new one, we'll apply for one.

Why should my company use WhatsApp newsletter and not just email newsletter?

As you can read in our blog article about WhatsApp newsletter, it has various advantages compared to emails:
- Open rate of 98% compared to 22% for emails
- Significantly higher conversion rate with WhatsApp than with email newsletters
- WhatsApp newsletters are guaranteed to reach the recipients and are not sorted into the spam folder by the mail provider like many email newsletters
- High reach: WhatsApp is the most popular messenger service in Germany with over 60 million users. User numbers are rising continuously.
- E-mail as a marketing channel is becoming increasingly saturated. Users simply receive too many email newsletters, as just about every e-commerce company sends some. On WhatsApp, potential customers give your company their undivided attention and engage with the newsletter
- WhatsApp is used by most to communicate with friends and family. Thus, a particularly personal customer relationship is created on WhatsApp. Ideal as a marketing channel to influence the primarily emotional buying behavior of consumers. Emails are too distant, too formal, and too impersonal.
- Result: Significant sales growth and closer customer loyalty!

What are WhatsApp newsletters?

WhatsApp newsletters are paid mass messages via WhatsApp to share relevant and valuable information with customers. WhatsApp itself calls these messages "Promotional Messages". For example, you can inform your customers about new products, point out discount promotions or remind existing customers about service intervals. You can learn more about this in our blog article "WhatsApp Newsletter - The Marketing of the Future".

Is it possible to get a free consultation?

Yes, with pleasure! Contact us via the web widget at the bottom right or click on"Book an appointment" and get in touch with us.

What services does Mateo offer with the WhatsApp marketing campaign?

Mateo offers a comprehensive service in WhatsApp marketing. The service portfolio ranges from setting up the WhatsApp API, individual tips for collecting opt-ins, maintaining customer data and creating newsletters to in-depth analyses. A fully comprehensive service customized to your business. In our blog article "How to WhatsApp Newsletter" under the bullet point "WhatsApp marketing campaign process" you will find detailed information about the scope of services and the WhatsApp marketing campaign process with Mateo.

How does the WhatsApp marketing campaign with Mateo work?

We start by defining the target picture and analyze both the customer base and the quality of your customer data. Then we prepare the marketing calendar and together we define a content strategy including the target groups. We take care of importing your data, creating smart segments and help to obtain opt-in from your existing customers. We also schedule regular appointments on a weekly, monthly and quarterly level, in which your WhatsApp marketing campaign is continuously optimized and planned through. Furthermore, we not only take care of sending the right campaign to the right target audience at the right time, but we also perform an in-depth analysis of the marketing success so that we can send you a monthly report with KPIs such as sendout and opening rate. You can read more about this in our blog article "How to WhatsApp Newsletter" under the bullet point "WhatsApp marketing campaign process".
Mateo thus offers a fully comprehensive WhatsApp marketing service, which is customized to your company and your customers. In this respect, you can use your human resources in other areas and benefit from our know-how.

Which messengers are available through Mateo?

The following communication channels can be integrated with Mateo:
- WhatsApp Business
- Facebook Messenger
- Google Business Chat
- Email
- Instagram

For whom is Mateo suitable?

Mateo is suitable for all companies that want to make their customer communication particularly efficient. From small to large medium-sized companies with several branches and hundreds of employees - Mateo is the software for every SME.

How does the Mateo setup work?

Mateo offers a fully comprehensive service with professional account managers when setting up the software including WhatsApp Business API.
An inventory analysis identifies how best to integrate the software. Mateo then applies for company phone numbers, if not already available, and sets up the system. Mateo runs off your existing cell phone or landline number. If you do not yet have a phone number or would like a new number, we will be happy to apply for a new number for you. Now all communication channels are united in the user interface provided by Mateo and can be used directly. A permanently assigned contact person is always ready to answer questions and provide further tips for highly efficient customer communication. All details are discussed in a free consultation appointment.

How much does the WhatsApp newsletter cost?

The prices for WhatsApp messages are set by Meta (formerly Facebook) and can be viewed in the official WhatsApp Business platform price list. The costs for a message sent via Mateo are identical to the prices set by Meta. The cost per message depends on the type of message and the geographical location. The prices range from ~0.06* - ~0.11€* per message sent in Germany (*without guarantee). Each WhatsApp Business account also has a monthly free quota of 1,000 (incoming) messages initiated by the customer. These are free of charge and will not be billed. The above prices apply to all further and all outgoing messages. Depending on the Mateo software package, a monthly free credit for outgoing messages is also included. Information on the amount of this inclusive credit can be found under the menu item "Price".

What are the requirements for sending WhatsApp newsletters?

In order to send WhatsApp newsletters in accordance with the GDPR and WhatsApp's terms of use, the following requirements must be met:
- The newsletter is sent via the WhatsApp Business API
- The API provider supports WhatsApp campaigns (such as Mateo)
- The opt-in of the recipients has been obtained
- WhatsApp (or Meta) has approved the newsletter message template
With Mateo, these requirements are very easy to meet. We support you in all aspects of the WhatsApp newsletter and connect WhatsApp as standard via the WhatsApp Business API.

What is a double opt-in?

An opt-in refers to the active consent of a user to receive newsletters and other advertising messages. According to Art. 7 of the GDPR, just as with e-mail newsletters, an opt-in must be obtained from the recipient in advance for newsletters sent via WhatsApp. Sending advertising or storing personal data without consent or by opting out has not been permitted in the EU for some time. Newsletter recipients must also be offered the opportunity to unsubscribe from the WhatsApp newsletter at any time with just a few clicks. Mateo will of course support you in collecting the opt-in. You can read more about this in our blog article "How to WhatsApp Newsletter" under the bullet point "Ways to collect the opt-in".

How much does Mateo cost?

The price depends on the desired number of users, channels and phone numbers. The starter package is a monthly investment of 79€. You can find more information in the menu above under "Price".

Is sending WhatsApp newsletters with Mateo GDPR compliant and compatible with the WhatsApp terms of use?

Yes, with Mateo, customer communication and marketing can be 100% GDPR-compliant - we provide the necessary technical basis. If the legal framework changes, we will adapt our software accordingly. You can find out more in our blog article on WhatsApp and GDPR. Ultimately, however, the legal compliance of all actions is at the discretion and responsibility of the user.

Can I use WhatsApp with my landline number?

Yes, using WhatsApp with a landline number is possible without any problems and is also recommended by us. We at Mateo take care of the connection. You can find out more about this in our article "Using WhatsApp Business with a landline number".