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Building Materials Market Group

WhatsApp Newsletter for 40+ locations for Baustoffmarkt Group!

Overview from the company

The Baustoffmarkt Group is a wholesale company with over 40 locations in Germany. The company offers a wide range of building materials and construction materials for professional and private use. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, the Baustoffmarkt Group is a reliable partner for construction companies and builders alike. With Mateo, the company is now also breaking new ground in the area of customer communication and newsletters.


Different locations

Wholesale and retail



Company DNA


The use of the Mateo software offers a number of advantages for the Baustoffmarkt Group. In particular, the use of WhatsApp newsletters for the company's more than 40 locations offers a great opportunity to improve customer loyalty and communication. Compared to e-mail newsletters, WhatsApp messages are generally more personal, faster and more direct. They also tend to reach customers faster and more reliably, as the messages land directly on their smartphones. The Baustoffmarkt Group can thus offer its customers better service and at the same time make its marketing activities more effective.

Customer segments

to send location-based newsletters

Site administration

to manage 40+ sites

Team Feature

to assign the employees to the locations

Achieved results


WhatsApp newsletter open rate


Newsletter recipients

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Christian Strauch
Managing Director & Co-Founder

With Mateo, you provide your customers with an outstanding customer experience and gain loyal fans.

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