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Was kostet die WhatsApp Business API in 2024?

Meta Platforms hat die Preise der WhatsApp Business API Lösung angepasst. Hier erfahren Sie alles über die Preise in 2024!
August 28, 2024

The use of WhatsApp by companies enables direct, fast and distinctly personal customer communication. WhatsApp is particularly valuable for companies that want to offer their customers an easy and convenient channel for questions, orders or support requests. Good and fast customer service that supports customers in their purchasing decisions usually leads to significantly increased sales and higher shopping carts. Unlike emails, end consumers do not associate WhatsApp with endless waiting times. WhatsApp is seen as a communication tool where people can be reached quickly. Moreover, the personal user atmosphere is ideal for your company's sales and marketing department. The advantages of WhatsApp as a communication channel with its 2 billion users worldwide and an open rate of conversations of more than 95% speak for themselves. 

Leider ist nur die Kommunikation über die kostenpflichtige WhatsApp Business API DSGVO-konform. Die kostenlose WhatsApp Business App ist nicht mit den geltenden Datenschutzrichtlinien vereinbar. Doch was kostet die WhatsApp Business API Nutzung eigentlich aktuell in 2024? In diesem Artikel werden die Kosten detailliert aufgeschlüsselt.

What is the WhatsApp Business API?

To provide larger businesses with a secure, scalable, and GDPR-compliant solution tailored to their needs, Facebook launched the WhatsApp Business API in August 2018. This application programming interface (API) allows businesses to receive and reply to unlimited WhatsApp messages from their customers.

Unlike the WhatsApp Business App, the API itself comes without a user interface. The API connects WhatsApp with a professional messaging tool, such as Mateo offers. Companies integrate the WhatsApp API endpoint into the software of an official WhatsApp Business Solution provider. Mateo offers enterprise customers the corresponding integration in a clear user interface with its in-house software.

Reading tip: You can get all the info on the WhatsApp Business API, including the advantages over the normal WhatsApp Business app, in our article "What is the WhatsApp Business API?"

How much does the WhatsApp Business API cost?

When considering the cost of the WhatsApp API, it is particularly important to understand Meta's distinction between conversations initiated by the user and conversations initiated by the company. Meta defines these categories as follows (source: Meta Platforms):

User-initiated conversations: "A conversation started in response to a user message. Once a company responds to a user's message within the 24-hour customer service window, the conversation is counted as a user-initiated conversation from that message forward. Companies may send informal messages within this 24-hour customer service window."

Company-Initiated Conversations: "A conversation that a company initiates by sending a message to a user outside of the 24-hour customer service window. Messages that initiate a company-initiated conversation require a message template."

Die ersten 1000 Service-Unterhaltungen pro Monat sind kostenlos

A conversation is a conversation with a WhatsApp user that takes place over a 24-hour time window. The countdown for the time window starts with the first message from the company. If a customer contacts you via WhatsApp, the conversation is only counted as soon as you reply. The advantage is that there are no costs for you, provided that the messages are suspicious of spam or irrelevant topics. 

Even sending message templates is free for the first 1,000 conversations initiated by customers, according to information from Meta Platforms: "Businesses can continue to test the WhatsApp Business platform with 1,000 free user*initiated conversations per month. Conversations started by the business are no longer free." It continues, "Businesses and users can exchange an unlimited number of messages, including template messages, within a 24-hour conversation session at no additional cost. Each 24-hour conversation session will be billed separately."

Furthermore, conversations that customers start via a call-to-action button or a click-to-chat ad are free. If a message is started via the WhatsApp button on your Facebook page, it is not counted. The newly introduced pricing model then applies to each new conversation with the customer.

WhatsApp Business API Kosten je Nachrichten-Kategorie

Für die Nutzung der WhatsApp Business API Schnittstelle verlangt Meta in Deutschland zwischen 4,6 und 11,3 Cent pro Unterhaltung. Die ersten 1.000 von dem Kunden initiierten Unterhaltungen sind immer kostenlos. Im August 2024 wurden die Preise für Nachrichten der Kategorie "Verwaltung" von 7,07 Cent auf 4,56 Cent reduziert. Seit dem 01. Juni 2023 werden Chats in vier Kategorien unterteilt:

  • Service: Unterhaltung, die von einem Kunden gestartet wurde. Kosten in Deutschland: 6,79 Cent ab der 1.001 Unterhaltung, davor kostenfrei.
  • Verwaltung: Unterhaltung, die von dem Unternehmen initiiert wurde und für den Kunden wichtige Informationen enthält. Beispielsweise Infos über Bestellungen, Transaktionen und Kundenaccounts. Kosten in Deutschland: 4,56 Cent
  • Authentication: conversation initiated by the company containing verification codes for accessing the customer account. Cost in Germany: 6.36 cents
  • Marketing: Entertainment initiated by the company and containing promotional messages such as product announcements or discount promotions. Cost in Germany: 11.31 cents

Da alle Unterhaltungen, die von dem Unternehmen initiiert wurden, ausschließlich mit einer Nachrichtenvorlage begonnen werden können, erfolgt die Einteilung in die Kategorien anhand dieser Nachrichtenvorlage. Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Preise direkt von Meta.

Lesetipp: In diesem Artikel haben wir für Sie erläutert, warum die kostenlosen Varianten, um WhatsApp Marketing zu betreiben, für Unternehmen nicht zu empfehlen sind.

This table lists the global WhatsApp Business API fees for the four categories:

Tabellarische Preisliste mit Kosten der WhatsApp Business API
Weltweite Kosten von WhatsApp Nachrichten über die von Meta Platforms bereitgestellte API Schnittstelle. Stand: August 2024 (Quelle: Meta Platforms)

Note: WhatsApp message prices and the number of included messages vary depending on the WhatsApp API provider. Be sure to find out what WhatsApp newsletters cost with the API provider of your choice. Since the API providers provide, manage and optimize a user interface, the prices are usually a bit higher than the costs estimated by Meta. Direct connection to Meta's WhatsApp API is only available to a small group of select corporations. For all other companies, access is only possible via an API provider like Mateo.

What does the new WhatsApp Business API pricing model mean?

The model is still very exciting for SMEs because the first 1000 conversations per month are free. Only with each additional conversation are the costs billed. For many companies, WhatsApp API use should therefore remain completely free of charge except for the monthly basic fee of the API provider (for example, Mateo).

For customers who regularly send newsletters via WhatsApp to a large number of contacts, the prices increase slightly. Nevertheless, the cost-benefit ratio is more than justified when you consider the open and conversion rates of WhatsApp marketing newsletters alone.

Use WhatsApp API with MATEO

How much does Mateo's WhatsApp API solution cost?

The price depends on the desired number of users, channels and phone numbers. The starter package is a monthly investment of 79€. You can find more information in the menu above under"Price".

10 reasons for WhatsApp API software
From automatically sent customer information to WhatsApp marketing and a central user interface - Mateo's WhatsApp API software has a lot to offer.

What features does Mateo include?

WhatsApp ist weiterhin die optimale Lösung für die Kundenkommunikation. Sowohl für Vertriebs- als auch Support Anwendungsfälle. Mit MATEO können Sie gezielt Kampagnen an Ihre Kontakte versenden, um so Kunden zu reaktivieren. Des Weiteren haben Sie mit MATEO alle Kanäle auf einer zentralen Plattform, so dass keine Anfrage untergeht. Mit Mateo startet Ihr Unternehmen in das neue Zeitalter der Kundenkommunikation. Sie profitieren von etlichen weiteren Funktionen. Unsere Kunden wissen folgende Vorteile besonders zu schätzen:

  • Integrations: With Mateo you can integrate WhatsApp with over 6,000 software programs and send fully automated messages such as invitations, order confirmations, shipping information, invoices or reminders.
  • Newsletter marketing: Send GDPR-compliant newsletters via WhatsApp or SMS and benefit from open rates of over 95%.
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